Friday, 20 February 2015

First Continuity Assessment Miss Havisham

This is my neat and tidy set up; I got marked down last semester for it being messy... so decided to document that it was neat! 

Made sure I had all my essentials:

  • Make-up remover.
  • Cleanser.
  • Toner.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Hand sanitiser.
  • My watch to keep track of how long I had.
  • Water for model and myself.
  • Hairspray.
  • Dry-shampoo.
  • Little pug purse with all clips in.
  • Envelope with my Miss Havishams hair accessories.
  • Make-up Palettes - powder/foundation.
  • Palette to mix foundation on.
  • Brush belt already on my waist!
  • Hairbrushes and combs.
  • Miss Havisham dress in bag to keep clean and safe. 
  • And finally all my designs for hair and makeup and pictures to keep to my last continuity assessment! 

  • I sectioned the hair at the front into a middle parting.
  • I then took a section either side of the head just behind the from section and pinned into place for later.
  • I sectioned a V shape for the back of the hair and put into a high ponytail to keep in place for later. 
  • Once all sectioned I curled the front into three downward curls and pinned into place and sprayed with hairspray to set. 
  • I then made sure the ponytail was all neat and read to form. I backcombed the bottom hair of the ponytail and curled it under and pinned in place to look like a bun. 
  • I then got the two sections I pinned in place earlier and made the wrap around the bun and pinned them into place also. I then sprayed it and made it look a little unkept as this is the look I was going for.
  • I then unpinned the curls at the front and ruffed them up with my hands and hair sprayed them again.
  • I then added the hair accessories of wilting flowers falling down her hair.
  • Then added powder and dryshampoo once makeup was done too.

I wanted to make her look gaunt but not so theatrical! And too grey, more realistic. 

I fist got duo glue and put it on the nose corners and around the lips. Left to dry and crackle. 
I used the Illamasqua skin base mixed with Kryolan foundation buffed this into the skin. 
Powdered the skin to set.
Got grey Kryolan powder and contoured the face and neck and eye sockets.
Mixed red, black and marroon supra colour to put onto the scabby bits and under the eye to look like she hasn't slept. 
Got a disposable wand and dipped into white supra colour and used on eyelashes and eyebrows.

And the look was complete! 

                                                                         ... Jokes


When I was first set to do this I was really nervous as I had to do my assessment early due to my partners unforeseen circumstances, so I felt I was a bit rushed with my design. 

But once getting into it I was actually alright, the main worry I had was the back of her hair as there was so much of it to tuck in! But I did it in the end and it turned out pretty well.

For the second continuity I will be mainly worried about the make-up, curls and flowers, as they will need to be perfect to actually match... fingers crossed it does!!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Inspiration can come from Anything and Everything!

This film was fantastic, it made me crack up constantly! There is one scene in it where the character where's a plastic wig that is 1800's inspired hair and I just thought it was great inspiration for a hairstyle for Estella!

Part 1

Part 2

This beautiful look was by John Galliano, and he made sure that the last night of fashion week would be well worth it. And it was, look at the images below, they look like paintings and totally fit within the Miss Havisham look. Pale complexion with a slight shine to it, dark hollow eyes to a sharp existent eyebrow, and the lips! pointed to look like a little doll, some are subtle and others have a wet look which its just lovely. I will try and incorporate the lips and eyes to my look for miss Havisham!

Author: Vouge
Year of publication: March 2009
Title: Autumn/ Winter, John Galliano
Viewed: 14.03.2015
Available from:

Miss Havisham Accessories

I wanted to make my look like she is also degrading with the house, this I want to achieve with dead flowers falling down her hair and being matted into it like she has become part of the fixtures! Here are the flowers I'm going to use and want I want it to look like on my model! 

Gloves I may use and have them aged and show her hands are swollen with sores and mucky from touches the dirty house.

I thought I veil would be an good accessorie to add to the look however due to my hair design I didnt want it to cover anything up, like the flowers. 

If we where to do a professional shoot with our looks I would add the veil to make the whole look, look complete!

This is a white dress I got from ASDA... I think, I jazzes it up with pearls... hand sewed on I may add! 

Thought it was a beautiful piece to have on my model, intricate and delicate design which suits the era.

Creating Miss Havisham

First Attempt

With my first attempt I wanted to create a dark gloomy look. Making sure that I contour the cheek bones and eye sockets a lot more.

My second attempt was to make the skin more transparent looking, with the sullen look but not so grey, I want her eyes to look puffy to show she hasn't slept with peeling skin showing she needs to moisturize...!
Her hair is to look kind of neat but pulled out so its messy with her wedding flowers dropping down her head and matted into her curls.
The lips are to look cracked as she probably doesn't drink much or eat, so I will do this with supra colour black and red, with some DUO on top to make the pealed effect, you can see the example below.
The wedding dress is one of my old dresses from Asda, which has beautiful indicate details all over it.

... Jokes

The Victorian supernatural

Victorians where the ones who could see to the 'abandonment of a conventional religious society' (  - paragraph 4) meaning they where more open to a possibility that there was something else out there.

When looking at the 'supernatural' in the Victorian era it meant different things, an unexplained phenomena was intriguing to people.

One of the most popular things to get into, in Europe and America was spiritualism, as it was the belief that the dead can communicate with the living. This 'unknown' still fascinates people to this day.

Science then started to play a big part, metal science, anthropology and human behaviour studies; this also started to merge into fiction writing, Gothic Literature.  

Helpful Links:

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Gothic Inspiration - locations

When me and Georgina went to this vast graveyard in Southampton, we wondered around looking for gothic inspiration, and good light for photos. when it reached the end of our walk we stated talking about life itself and what we where taught in school and what we really believe happens after death; this subject is fascinating as there are endless ideas, but we will never know until our time comes. 

It really made me think of how scared I am of dying, I never used to be, I was fearless when I was younger, I new that we are young, grow up and then we die, but as I am getting older more things scare me, maybe it's that I am learning more about life and how in an instant it can be taken away.
I am with someone who is in the army and I think that maybe this has caused my unease with death, as he becomes emotionless with the concept saying to me "yes you die, but there is nothing you can do so why be upset" I think it is built into them to cut off this connection with emotion but I feel lost in it I think of all the things that will hurt me or my loved ones; getting hit by a car, some crazy person trying to hurt me the list is endless. 

When I looked at each grave we walked by, my heart felt cold, to think someone was once alive in a time and place maybe similar to mine, now gone, dark in a wooden box. The concept of darkness scares me and the unknowing of what it will feel like, if you can feel it at all! 

All of this made me think of how it would have felt to be miss Havisham, alone, in a dark house, with no soul to keep her warm, she was already half dead, loosing a loved one, maybe not in death but being jilted is just has heart breaking as death. She could have moved on but she made a decision to keep time still. Just like these graves, they will forever stand still, alone and dark with trees and roots rapping around them, weather beating the stone so you cannot see who lays beneath; she is in the coffin she has created, waiting for death to finally take her to piece.

Within architecture you can see similarity's some more harsh than others like the two below, the left is very subtle and the right is very to the point of Gothic!
They feature pointed arches on windows and doors, heavy stone and dramatic roves.

All Images found on Pintrest:

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Gothic Films and TV Series

In 1995 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the cinema, throughout we have been able to explore new dimensions in the way of reality and fantasy. There are many masterpieces throughout this time and these are a handful of what I think portray Gothic Horror.

I was talking to my sister and her friend about this project we are ding and they introduced me to this film as it was an early adaptation of gothic horror. I didn't really know what to expect but it is really good, you have to be patient with it as it shows you clips of film then the text of what they are saying; I think its great as I love old cinema and the rough quality of the film, It just amazes me what we have accomplished and what they where able to do just through their imagination.

The introduction actually scared me just through the music, so in the 1920's they must have been quite frightened, as it is really dark, sinister and haunting to look at and hear.

Their makeup is very theatrical and powerful as its not the best quality film they would of had to emphasise the lips and eyes more for the audience to actually be able to see and understand the character more.

This type of make-up would be good to recreate if I decide to do a theatrical look for Miss Havisham; for example emphasising her wrinkled face, or her crazy matted hair!

I had herd of this film below this project but never seen it; I am so glad I have as it is fabulous, in the way they have portrayed the characters and looks upon humanity and how we can have dual personalities. 

I adore the way they have done the transformation from the characters is very fluid especially for the time this was made. He states in the film "man is not truly one, but truly two," he also evokes that the human soul is like a battleground for and 'angle' and a 'friend' both struggling to compete. 

This film by Robert louis Stevenson was first published in 1886, the novel is set in late 19th century London; as this is the Victorian era, a time where people where expected to repress their true selves and feelings, this makes the film have a perfect setting as it would have been outrageous for the time period, as it shows a characters darker urges.

This film is by Oscar Wilde and is a story of a young innocent man who is seduced by moral corruption and in the end his downfall. 

It has a very dark nature which I think was mainly reviled around Oscar Wilde as he was gay and this was another way in showing his feeling and maybe what he thought was moral corruption at the time.

When watching the 1994 version I found the film cut from scene to scene so fast I didn't like it for that, however, it did show you happiness to then very dark and dramatic scenes with intense music!

Author: Unknown 
Year of publication: 1818
Title: Mary Shelly Frankenstein 
Viewed: Sunday 2nd February 2015
Available from:

I remember in the book the way Mary Shelly decried the monster;
Chapter 5: "His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips." 

This made my blood curdle and I could sleep for ages because all I could see where those eyes staring at every time I closed my own!

Author: Justin Mabry
Year of publication: Unknown
Title: Frankenstein 
Viewed: 2nd February 2015
Available from: